Why Kerby?
Kerby in a bar? Mad right! But Kerby (how ever you all spell it ) was a staple growing up. Yes you had the danger element to it – stolen cars getting a chase , pollution from your mates dads Ford Sierra chugging by, Plag 90 flying about the estate. But for the moments when you could stand on a path with your mate stood across from you, chatting away, Utah Saints blasting out the next door neighbours bedroom window, throwing a ball back and forth, striking the kerb to gain a point, added rules of catching the rebound giving you a middle of the road shot, life was pretty simple. The odd cushioned volley thrown in. Only for the occasional CAAAAAAAR to stop the game or a stray bounce meaning one of us had to stick a leg under a parked car to scoop the ball out. My journey into the design world started with a game of Kerby right on this spot. SPOT, there’s another beauty of a game! I'll go into that another day...
So yeah, Kerby in a bar giving us older ones a chance to whoop the kids, and for the kids to discover a new game they may take away with them and play. But it's different these days like — electric cars don’t have quite the same sound as a Ford Sierra, and random car chases aren’t as regular with the copper chopper watching. The biggest barrier is the volume of cars these days. You’ll be stopping the game every 2 mins, if you can even play and the kerbs aren’t taken up by parked cars!
I’d have no chance of playing where I used to as a kid these days (see pics!). But if you’re lucky enough to live on a quiet road and the kerbs are free then it’s fair game, let’s go!
Kerby & Yard Ball . Hire a ball and have a game